The following is a brief explanation of the types of classes offered at the Sunshine Coast Dojo, the requirements for participation in them and the times at which they are held.

All classes are taught using the latest in education research including a strong emphasis placed on the Gradual Release of Responsibility Model and other high ‘effect-size’ practices such as Feedback For Learning.


Kids Jujutsu classes:

Open to children from 5 to 12/13 years old (depending on capability and body condition). Students at the age of 13 will participate in a transition phase from the kids class to the adults class over time.

  • THURSDAY – Kids class: 4:30-5:15pm
  • SATURDAY – Kids class: 8:30-9:15am

Adults Goshu-Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Classes:

The primary art taught at the dojo. Aiki Jujutsu Classes focus on fundamental movements that build a strong and flexible body and effective self defence techniques in a safe and supportive way.

  • MONDAY – 6pm-7pm
  • TUESDAY – 6pm-7pm
  • WEDNESDAY – 6pm-7pm
  • THURSDAY – 6pm-7pm
  • SATURDAY – 9:30-10:30am

Adults Carlos Machado Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Classes

An auxiliary art taught at the dojo. The ‘newaza’ or ground fighting focus of BJJ offers a nice addition to your martial arts training.

  • TUESDAYS – 7:00pm-8:00pm
  • SATURDAYS – 10:30am-11:30am

Adults Shintō Musō Ryū Jojutsu and Kenjutsu Classes

Open to adult students who demonstrate the desire to deepen their training and life experience in the ‘old ways’. Students in this very technical, traditional Japanese weapons class take on significant commitmentthrough endless patience, sincerity and a willingness to learn things that are completely different from what they have done or learned in previous experiences. Furthermore, over time students in this class train with the expectation of developing a life based heavily on the Gojō – a value system with ‘benevolence’, ‘justice’, ‘etiquette’, ‘knowledge’ and ‘trust’ at its core.

  • MONDAYS – 7pm-8:30pm
  • THURSDAYS – 7pm-8:30pm


2/4 Lynne Street, Caloundra. Queensland.